P.E. Videos
Welcome Blazers!! Here's your one stop resource to connect with me for all things Physical Edu. Below you will find a new video post of a workout, challenge, or activity that I want you to work on throughout the week. Before you get started in the video, look under PE Resources for Your Warm Up organized by week. You have all week to complete the challenge of doing your Yoga Flow 1 3x per day. After you have completed this week's challenge, fill out the question below, and I will be alerted who completed their assignment.
***THIS WEEK 3/23:
3rd-7th grade only.
Due 3/30
In addition to your Yoga Flow work, please record a flow all your own using the balance sheet in PE Resources as your guide. Send the video to my email at lthompson@bereanchristianacademy.org. I will pick one to be showcased on the blog next week!! Have fun with this!!