P.E. Videos
This week let's play some "Home Field Day-like" Games. I thought it would be fun to practice several games in the coming weeks, and then the Week of May 11th, you can choose 4 of your favorites to set up with your family. That week, you'll record your scores on an official scorecard that I'll send you, and you can return for prizes. This is just for fun (not required), but would be a great way to cap off our year in P.E.
So, for this week, practice the following 4 games, and let me know what you think!
Get Ready: 1 Tennis Shoe, Spacious Area, Clean Feet
Get Set: Make sure you have plenty of unobstructed space around you.
How many points you can score in 1-minute?
Put your foot partially into the tennis shoe.
On the start signal, flip the shoe into the air.
Score as follows:
1 point = shoe lands on its side
2 points = shoe lands right side up (sole of the shoe on the ground)
3 points = shoe lands perfectly upside down (no sides touching the ground)
0 points = if the shoe hits you in the head or knocks over a lamp.
Write your total number of points
Go wash your foot. Haha.
Get Ready: 5 Large Sock Balls, Laundry Basket or Bucket, A Wall
Get Set: Roll up the socks to make sock-balls. Place the basket or bucket against the wall. Mark a distance 5’ – 10’ from the basket.
The object of this game is to score as many points as you can in 1 minute.
Do that by tossing the sock balls off of the wall and into the basket.
You MUST use the wall as your backboard and bank it into the basket.
Score a point for every sock that is banked into the basket.
Write your score down.
Get Ready: 1 Paper Plate (Piece of Cardboard or a School Folder) per Player, Center Line (2 Shoes or Cups will work) 1 Ping Pong Ball or a Balloon
Get Set: Create a center line on a table or the floor. Place the balloon or ball on the center line. Both players across from each other with the centerline in between them.
The object of this game is to keep the ball on the opponent's side of the center line.
You will have 1 minute.
On the start signal, begin fanning the ball toward your opponent’s side of the center line and away from your side.
Continue for 1 minute.
Score 5 points if the ball is on your opponent’s side.
Play and score 2 rounds and then write your score down.
Get Ready: 1–3 Balloons Per Player – Blow Them Up
Get Set: Clear a 10’ indoor or outdoor space. Start with 1, 2 or 3 balloons.
The object is to strike the ball(s) up using your hands as many times as you can in 1 minute.
Don’t let it (them) hit the floor.
On the start signal, strike the balloon(s) upward with your hands and count how many hits you can score in 1-minute.
If using multiple balloons, alternate striking each balloon.
Don’t strike the same balloon twice.
If the balloon hits the floor, pick it back up and continue.
On the stop signal, record your score.